Got a good park and sold some stuff we had brought and stuff we had bought along the way.
In the arvo, as arranged, we went back to Malanda for our first W.W.O.O.F.I.N.G (Willing Workers on Organic Farms) with the Watkin Family.

The farm consisted of chickens, 2 geese, quails, parrots & a pidgen, 2 dogs, a geriatric cat & horse and some cattle.
Did I mention the food? Very good and lots of it AND dessert!
Indigo also had a rippin' time, playing with their large Labrador, Fudge (Minnie the Cattle x wasn't so interested...)
We finished the week with a trip to the Yungaburra Markets (thanks Sue's mum, Glen for the best orange cake ever) and a celebratory dinner at the 101 yr old Malanda Pub.
Monday, Danny received a part from Melbourne to fix Keith's speedometer which hasn't worked since
Hull Heads a couple of months ago. Then we said our goodbyes and once again, hit the (back) road...
Thanks again Watkin Family for a wonderful WWOOFING experience.
We will be back!
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