June 2 - 13: Saturday we ventured to Herberton and checked out the Crater and Dinner Falls & town surrounds. The weather was still overcast, but on Sunday...the sun came out. And stayed out! We went to Tolga markets (just past Atherton) and then Malanda Falls.
Monday it was back to Malanda to shoot some footage and interview the mechanic, Vince Seres for a short docomentary film. He's 95 and still goes in everyday to potter around. His eyesight is no good, but he knows where everything is.

Afterwards, we had lunch at the Mena pub, parking outside a cute old church.
The rest of the week we got some practical stuff done: new tracky dacks and flanno for me and a big dongle so I can do me bloggin when I choose!
Also popped into the Eacham Historical Society to pick up some photos for our doco and get a bit more history on Seres Motors, Vince's business.

So...next week: we have decided to stick around and do some W.O.O.F.I.N.G. 20mins away, near Malanda.
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