Saturday, April 20, 2013

Holidays in Redcliffe & the Grafton Show

April 1-20:  
We finished off Term 1 at Tafe with some filming of my news story.  I was supposed to interview one of the owners of our caravan park, but he doesn't do internet stuff (which is fair enough) and so we got his brother to fill in.  Turned out well and also got some shots of real estates and a written interview with The Salvos.
We were having some issues with keeping the Fuggles in the annex, but when we got to Redcliffe, our renters were chucking out an opening baby gate.  Perfect. They are also keen for long lease which suits us. 

We popped into a newish collectables shop in Reddo and Danny said:  "There's a picture of you, Sammy".  When we packed up to leave on our adventures, I gave the crayon picture of my 8 year old self  (which I never liked!) to a local op shop.  The shop owner was very excited and my sister Melissa wanted it to go with the one she has.  So we went back a couple of days later, but was the picture still there?  Melissa will have to wait and see.

Danny's dad, Jimbo is quite adept at caricature.  They always have a pronounced nose and are not what you would call flattering.   We had a great stay in Reddo:  managed to catch up with many friends this time  and had lots of laughs with the family.  Danny had a Gypsy Jam with Sean, I had a birthday lunch with Barb, Shazza & Trish and learned a new hoop trick with Sam, Lisa and Ginger Ninja.

We drove back to NSW on a beautiful clear day and stopped off again at Broadwater for lunch at a dog friendly, old church cafe.  I did the middle leg of driving Harry Transit - full of roadworks and a wrong turn at Chinderah.  I had my serious driving face on most of the time I think!

When we got back to the Sunset Caravan Park, nothing was amiss.  The fridge was still on and the annex still up.  We were happy to be back in our cubby and put up the baby gate for the dogs.  After a bit of food shopping and relaxing, we went off to the Grafton Agricultural Show yesterday arvo.  I was impressed with the Champion Pumpkin, while Danny couldn't resist a Dagwood Dog.  (instant regret after one bite!)

There was a Salvo's cafe and a man with a sign that said:  Live Band 6pm.  So we went in and had a cuppa and listened to the young band.  Loud, heavy rock with a few original ballads thrown it.  Happened to be their album launch with mum and dad doing the sound mixing and selling CDs.  They were good and rocked the hell out of the cafe clients and passes by (one lady with fairy  floss hair did some great dancing).

Danny was instructed to win another soft toy for Indigo and shot the required 4 ducks.  So Carnie Dog 2 was gratefully welcomed home by indigo.  Oh, we also saw this Transit at the show which is the same model as Keith. 

Show observation:   Grafton Carnies were definately not as interesting as the Redcliffe Carnies.

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