Thursday, September 16, 2010

Straddie, Art Proposal...Keith waits patiently.

Week: 14

Toad Fish

Keith and Indigo Velvet stay home, while we go to nephew Simon's wedding on Nth Stradbroke Island.
More whales! and dolphins and a great weekend catching up with family.

Elliott & Amy

And Lissie makes a new friend called "Donna the Dead"

Week 15:

Serious work on Danny's public art proposal. Postie busy with other jobs and a trip away.
Keith doesn't mind. He is very patient.

Week 16:

Been a bit of rain, so we decide to put the big tarp over the front of Keith - covering the bedroom and bathroom.
Poustie will come back when he can get a run of 4 or so days to re-skin.

Keith will hopefully be regsitered by Christmas

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