Dec 15-22: After a brief stop at the Big Banana for a photo or two, we detoured off the highway to the fishing village of Wooli. Very cute and we had a fish and bit of a paddle in the inlet.

We got to Chambigne, 15mins south west of Grafton, went through the gate with the 3
letter boxes and over a Billy Goat's Gruff bridge - I had to get out to
direct Danny over so Keith's back wheels didn't fall off! Up a 4km
rough dirt track was Tim's Rest where we would property sit for 3 months. And what a great property and we got on with Tim immediately. The blue Transit was there and he went like a rocket (could we just use him for parts?) and we settled in for a week of introductions to all aspects of the property: chickens, vege patch, trouble-shooting the water pump, generator, tractor, solar / batteries, projector and ofcourse, Gandi - Tim's well behaved cattle dog. (although he did play up just before Tim left with not wanted to go to bed outside and running off one morning) Tim's sister, Neroli was here the first couple of nights and cooked us a great Asian meal, but after she left I took over the duties as Tim has just had a shoulder operation and is in a sling.
Danny helped Tim edit a demo film for Dunbe, his high school drumming
group and I rescued the pot plants from their 2 yr excile in the shade
house and adorned the main house and guest house with them.
neices husband, Engie arrived to help out with cleaning windows and
taking Tim to appointments in town as he couldn't drive.

Lots of drinking and chatting was had, with me piking out and going to bed first as usual. Tim left on the 21st for Ghana, where he has a property (that's a whole story in itself! More on that later...)
So it was just us, the 3 dogs and chickens and preparations to be done to make the property look it's best for the arrival of Danny's family - slashing of paddocks, whipper snipping, cleaning of the guest house and the main house with some swimming in our birthday suits in the nearby river to cool down.

Danny found a liking and may I say, some talent for Tim's old piano that his late dad gave him when he was a boy. I found a liking for the hammock and so did Fuggles!
Dec 22 and we were ready and waiting for the arrival of our first guests who we hadn't seen for over 10 mths - Jim and Jean Loyden.
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