August: It was a big 1st month at Hamilton Downs Youth Camp, 75km west of Alice Springs. Wonderful views of the mountains from our cottage and up the hill on the Drover's Walk.
The property has a 25km driveway which requires monthly dragging with tyres.

Next was the digging of the holes and then cementing in of the upright poles.
Followed by welding the upper support poles and attaching clothes line-looking wire to 2 sides for extra stability. Did I mention that Danny also became very attached to the tractor?

We did another of the designated walks through the paddocks and bush and up around the creek. Also, we walked up a hill out front, which had spectacular views of the mountains and the old property.

Ofcourse we did some work too with 4 groups of guests staying at the old homestead and surrounding buildings. There was even a wedding to cap off a great month here.
Outside our cottage there are 2 bird baths which get visited each day by a variety of birds: galahs, native pigeons, ring neck parrots, butcher birds, magpies, crows and lots of bees.
Remote living is interesting, sometimes challenging (no corner shops) and a great way to experience the centre of Australia.
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