We finished off the vege house: "Veg-topia" with shade cloth and bird mesh and got some coppers logs from the chuck out area to weight the edge down. Summer arrived with some hot, dry days over the mid 30's and we got creative with a blue, plastic container filled with water for some relief.

Thanks to a contact from an old mate, we had an interview on the local indigenous radio station, CAAMA and another the same day on the ABC. We sung our latest country song: Get Some Country and talked about The Adventures of Keith.

So, we said yes and she flew in this week from Cairns. Didn't take long for her to settle in to her new environment: a big change from the rainy Atherton Tablelands to the NT desert. Another surprise was...she is on heat (the vet advised Gil to let this happen once before getting fixed) and she has been very amorous to her new sister, Indigo. Only took them a day to suss each other out, but now they are happily playing - making the most of the substantial height and weight differences.
The dynamic has changed with the arrival of Fuggles on The Adventures of Keith and we have exactly 1 month left here at Hamilton Downs Youth Camp.