And we got to meet their beautiful daughter, Poppy who was a delight!

Danny and Anthony had a bit of a night on it, catching up. The next day, Danny remembered why it's not a good idea to say Yes to spirits in large quantities!
We spent the next 6 days eating Grace's wonderful food, meeting The Family, hanging out in town, going to the local Rugby League final and catching up with Danny's uncle Phil. Danny also demo-ed their chook pen, ready for a new look.

On Thursday 26, he was ready to go and we headed off down the highway...
We got about 50km from Camoweal when we got a flat tyre. Luckily it was one of the outer, doubles on the back and we could limp into town. There was an RACQ repairer behind the caravan park where we stayed and so we got ourselves another truck tyre fitted at 8am the next morning.
That's one thing I love about Keith, no matter what, he just keeps on going!