March 19: We arrived at Agnes Water and set up camp, as planned, at the Workman's Beach Camp ground ($5.50pp/night).

March 20: Had a walk to the main Agnes beach, then the Look Out and finished the day with Tom & Gypsy at our little beach: fishing, hula hooping and playing.
March 21: Off up the road to 1770: Sammy and Indigo swam, while Danny caught 2 lovely bream for lunch. There was lots of rain in the arvo once we got back to our campsite.
March 22: We had planned to head off up the highway to Turkey Beach, but there was 105mm of rain overnight and the radio told us that the roads were cut off. So Sammy went down the road to the Library for some internet therapy and Danny...went fishing! We decided to go back to 1770 and do some free camping in the park, overlooking the beach.
March 23: We tried to drive north to Miriam Vale, but the road was still we headed back to 1770 for more fishing for Danny and Sammy caught up with her Redcliffe friend Samantha for a chat on the phone. We decided to stay at the Captain Cook Caravan Park round the corner, mainly to plug our phones in and do 3 loads of washing/drying. It was a bit of a ghost town, but Sammy liked the salt water pool and made Danny join her, but he didn't share the enjoyment of it. Indigo got in serious trouble when she rolled in animal poo and had to be bathed, which she also didn't like.
March 24: OK. It stopped raining so we thought the roads must surely be open and we headed off again just out of town to have a look at the garage sale along the way. GS cancelled and roads still closed because of all the damage and mending to be done. So, back we went to...1770 (a great place to be stranded by the way. Just ask Captain Cook & co.) We hung out doing the usual: fishing, swimming and had plans on having dinner at the pub up the road, when some Kiwi travellers told us they had just come from Miriam Vale and yes, the road was open. So we drove the little ways to MV and parked behind the good old fashioned pub. We had dinner there (Sammy had a small rump which was really quite large, Danny the rissoles) and watched some of the Qld election results. There was a bit of 'carry on' from the pub verandah as we lay in bed, but you would expect that on a Saturday night.