Cousin Todd rings to say he's got a weeks work in Dysart so won't be able to start on Keith. Feelings of disappointment, but understanding of the need for him to go.
Week 50:

Week 51:
7:30am Danny and Cousin Todd commence cladding! They get a side done and it looks great. I am very excited and take lots of film footage. (Danny will upload soon, eh?)
Week 52:

Unfortunately, Danny and Todd used the longer sheets of cladding on the first side, so when we get to this side - they are not long enough. After dismissing the idea of ordering some more from Camec because:

But we get to near the bottom, and there is not enough cladding left to finish it. We then remember the checker plate idea of Pouste's (who also was the one who knew about the different lengths of cladding!).

Todd is 'penciled' in for next Sunday, but Danny is going to have a crack at the checker plate. Pouste is gunna loan us his...something or other to do the job.
So alls well, that ends well.
Cousin Keith's wife said: The motor home is 'a bit rough around the edges. Just like Keith was!'