Week 45 & 46
Danny and I have been thinking lately that we need to get on with the re-cladding of Keith. But...Poustie is so busy still. What to do?
Then, Danny runs into cousin Todd's missus, Jill at the shops and he says: how's Todd and she says: he's not up to much. Then Danny comes home and we both think: Hmmm. Todd's a builder, maybe he might be interested in working on Keith with Danny. Danny gives him a ring and says: Come round. Todd has a lot to do on Sunday with his kids. See how it goes.
In the meantime, Danny and I decide to give the yard a bit of a clean up. We already did the old work bench and a few other bits and pieces from the front and loaded the Suzi up. On Sunday, we go to the Reddo Tip - Trip #1. Then I do the weeds and bags of 3 big crab grass, while Danny gets on the chainsaw and the mower. A few hours later and it looks pretty good. Time to load up the Suzuki again.

First the tarp over the roof basket and then the first layer of branches. Danny secures this with rope and then starts adding the rest of the greenery. I put the white bags of grass etc inside the bag, seats up.
Back to the tip - # Trip 2 and the Tip Lady says: "Wow". She is impressed with the load on top of the Suzi.
So Todd rings back late Sunday arvo and says he is free to pop in on Tuesday morning. So on Tuesday, I text Danny at work to ask if Todd came round and what did he think about Keith? This was his reply: "I told Poste. Todd and I start on 7th of May. 2 to 3 days work should do it. Poste said he will still help with Keith". I text back: "Hooray. U Byoody!"
Not long now Keith: The Cousins are Coming!